Chỉ đặc biệt trực tuyến

BioCeuticals Lipoec 400 60 Capsules

Bao gồm thuế, vận chuyển và giảm giá được tính toán khi thanh toán.

Bạn muốn nhận ngày hôm nay? Nhắn tin cho cuộc trò chuyện trực tuyến của chúng tôi Với đội ngũ trực tuyến của chúng tôi ngay bây giờ để kiểm tra xem có cổ phiếu có sẵn để đón không!

This product is ONLY available in store at Regents Park Pharmacy. NO SHIPPING AVAILABLE.

Lipoec 400 contains 400mg of alpha-lipoic acid and is soluble in both fat and water. As such, alpha-lipoic acid provides extensive antioxidant activity throughout the body; this is further supported by its ability to regenerate other antioxidants including glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and vitamins C and E. Lipoec 400 also provides nutritional support for glucose metabolism.

  • A hydrophilic antioxidant that extends functional capacities of other antioxidants, providing extensive antioxidant activity throughout the body.
  • A potent antioxidant, involved in day-to-day chelation and elimination of metals in the body.
  • Provides nutritional support for healthy glucose metabolism. 
  • Supports healthy mitochondrial function.

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BioCeuticals Lipoec 400 60 Capsules


This product is ONLY available in store at Regents Park Pharmacy. NO SHIPPING AVAILABLE.

Lipoec 400 contains 400mg of alpha-lipoic acid and is soluble in both fat and water. As such, alpha-lipoic acid provides extensive antioxidant activity throughout the body; this is further supported by its ability to regenerate other antioxidants including glutathione, coenzyme Q10 and vitamins C and E. Lipoec 400 also provides nutritional support for glucose metabolism.

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