Brauer Ultra Pure DHA for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding 60 Capsules (EXP: 30/05/2025)
Brauer Ultra Pure DHA for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding 60 Capsules (EXP: 30/05/2025) 被订购,并将一旦恢复库存就会发货。
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Expiry Date: May 2025 (Online Only)
Brauer Ultra Pure DHA for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding contains concentrated DHA with added Vitamin D, Zinc and Lutein to support growth and development during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The product contains concentrated omega-3 triglycerides sourced from wild caught, cold water fish. The product contains DHA to support healthy foetal growth, the development of the brain and central nervous system, cognitive development and healthy eyesight. Zinc supports female reproductive system health, healthy foetal development, cognitive development and supports eye and skin health. Vitamin D aids healthy bone growth and development in healthy infants. Lutein is a carotenoid found in the retina of the eye.