Raid Flying Insect Killer Odourless Twin Pack 2 x 350g
Raid Flying Insect Killer Odourless Twin Pack 2 x 350g 被訂購,並將一旦恢復庫存就會發貨。
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Raid Flying Insect Killer Odourless Twin Pack 2 x 350g is specially formulated to kill a number of flying insects: non-biting gnats, small flying moths, wasps, boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, flies, fruit flies, hornets, mosquitoes, and yellow jackets.
This insecticide spray for flying insects kills on contact and can be used both indoors and outdoors. This effective bug killer also leaves no lingering chemical odor.
To kill multiple indoor flying bugs, spray until the room is thoroughly missed, and mist will kill bugs. To kill just one or two stray wasps or hornets indoors, spray them directly.
- Kills flying bugs on contact
- For fast knockdown, spray fly killer Flying Insect Killer directly at insects
- Kills beetles, boxelders, fruit flies, hornets, gnats, moths, wasps & other listed insects
- Keep insecticide spray mist about 3 feet from interior walls, fabrics & furniture
- Can be used as both an outdoor and indoor insect killer